The participants of Journey to the North (a travelling discipleship ministry) experienced this beauty from a ferry after ministering with two local churches in northern Albania.


Love Albania is an Evangelistic Program that happen every year in Albania. Individuos or church teams can come to help out our ministries in Albania with their gifts and skills. Besides that, this program will make a difference in the lives of Albanians encouraging them to share the Gospel to their own people as well.

Veel gestelde vragen

  • Wordt er eten voorzien?
    The food is included, if there is anyone who has an allergy or special diet, please let us know in advance.
  • Wat voor reisplannen moet ik maken?
    Everyone is responsible for booking your flights/travelling transport.
  • Wat zijn de lichamelijke vereisten?
    Inform us if there is any health issue, we might analise the case.
  • Heb ik een visum nodig?
    Check before if there is a need of visa.

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